Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ch. 2 Response
An activity that involves memorization is learning the meaning of vocabulary words. Students w/ weak verbal short term memory would benefit by drawing simple pictures of each vocabulary word. This can be done on index cards or large paper, where students also include definition and a sentence. Students think about the word while they are creating the drawing and also can take a mental snapshop of the picture to help them remember the meaning. Another version is to draw a more detailed scene which includes more than one vocabulary word, then the student w/ a stong visuo-spatial memory is able to recall the picture and in turn, determine the meaning of the word. - Cheryl C.


Kelli said...

I have used this same strategy in first grade and found it really helps. Also, when possible, I try to have students "act out" the meaning of the word. This helps first graders gain more meaning to new vocabulary.

Chrissie said...

I us the same strategy in my classroom for vocabulary development of our Wordly Wise words. It is extremely helpful to use depictions with the definitions. Also, I use word blocks for student to color in to show correct letter formation. I'll bring a copy to class this week.

Chantelle said...

I used this strategy with a student in second grade (draw a picture) and it was very helpful to him. I have never tried the "act it out" and I think that would be beneficial too. Thank you for sharing this!!

Terri said...

Kelli-- I have also had students act out words to help them understand the meaning. It can also be used asa review game--- like charades.