Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chapter 2

I find it easier to pair learning classroom rules with movement or physical cues. For example my student are familiar with "give me 5." I will hold up 5 finger when I say this. From the beginning of the year student have been practicing what the "5" are and display the characteristics with only this verbal cue. Since September we have rehearsed that the Give me 5 are eyes watching, ears listening, voices quiet, bodies still, and raise your hand if you want to share. All of these directions are paired with a physical movement by the student and cues by the teacher. There is also a visual poister with pictures displayed in class. When eyes are watching they point to their eyes, ear listening they cup their ears, voices quiet they put a finger to their lips, bodies still they hug them self, and raise your hand they put their hand in the air. This is rehearsed each time it should be demonstrated in the classroom( such as circle time, story time, or instructional time). The demonstration and physical movements are gradually faded out and the students have now memorized what behavior is expected at particular time. It is also easy to redirect children by simply making the physical movement to remind them of the behavior they should be showing. For example if a student is speaking a teacher can establish eye contact and place their finger over their lip and cup their ear. This will tell the student what they should be doing without having to verbally state it, call the child's name, or disrupt the lesson. With practice and movement it is now easier for the student to remember all 5 steps.

1 comment:

maureen.connelly said...

Tracey, Sounds like great management style. So important that you introduced this technique at the very beginning of the year and demonstrate each day. Also, having the visual poster for your students to refer to must prove to be so very beneficial.