Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 2 ?

Students have difficulty remembering vocabulary words. We have them use index cards. The word is written on the unlined side. The definition is written at the top of the lined side. The student creates their own sentence to show the meaning of the word on one side below the definition, then draws an illustration of their sentence. Having them draw their own illustration helps them to "own" that vocabulary word. In math 4th graders are working on long division & struggle to remember the steps for the process. We use the mnemonic device D -M-S-Ch-B (does McDonalds sell cheese burgers). This is still too much for some students to remember, so I pair the initials w/ the corresponding math signs (+, -, x...) When they see the picture of the sign, they remember what to do next.

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

I like that you are adding the corresponding math signs to the D,M,S,C,B. This is just an additional visual so that students don't have to think about what operation they need to do next. Great idea!