This site is for educational colleagues at Bryantville Elementary School in Pembroke, MA, to share thoughts and ideas based on professional readings.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
math and memory
Chapter 3
I feel that students need a solid foundation of math skills. They need this foundation before they can build upon and develop more complex skills. For example, they need to master simple addition skills before they are asked to multiply. Exposure to different topics in math may benefit students without memory issues, however, it may cause confusion and frustration with students that have memory issues.
Chapter 3
Children with working memory issues are likely to show difficulty with multiple step word problems. Once they have figured out the first part they may have forgotten to do the next steps. Many of our staff members have created problem-solving steps reference sheets and general math reference sheets. It would be great if we could bring them all together, share them and make some of them consistent from grade level to grade level. If we start using the same steps from the first grade on then children will be familiar with and will have over-learned the strategies and steps by the time they get up to the upper grades.
There are also parts of the Everyday Math that I think pose problems for students with poor working memory. There may be one lesson on Monday on telling time to the half hour but then not again until a week or two later. I feel that the math boxes alone do not provide enough reinforcement of the skills; especially with money and telling time. Perhaps this could be where the math specialist could come in. Having a math specialist working with a small group could really help these students.
Math...what works...
Chapter Three
Chapter 3 & 4
Chapter 3-4
I also feel it's important to go over assigned calculation problems with the students. They become more invested in their work if they know someone will actually be looking at it. It allows the teacher to readily see where any errors occur. I also have them mark their own papers, making fractions out of # of problems & # correct - with a total tally at the end of the week. They don't always like to mark themselves incorrect, but they are certainly aware of how they are doing and seem motivated to improve.
Chapter 3- Math
However I do think that for those children who lack strong number sense, concept of numbers or who show signs of low working memory the Everyday Math program is not the best choice for them. Many concepts within the program are too difficult, and they are just not ready to learn them. I feel as teachers we need to be mindful of this and look at alternative approaches to teaching certain Math concepts to struggling students so they can be successful in Math too.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I feel that the Everyday Mathematics in grade one should continue. The spiral curriculum allows all students to review previously taught concepts on a daily basis, as well as providing a preview of upcoming topics which engage and challenge the students.
What should we change?
There should be full day Kindergarten across the district. This allows all students regardless of background to have access to a structured academic learning environment in order to set the strong foundation for future learning.
Kindergarten should focus on strong number sense and concept of number.
We should make a commitment to low class sizes especially K-3. This lower student to teacher ratio would ensure that all students had a clear,solid foundation in the area of mathematics on which all all other learning depends.
Time should be taken by adminstrators in each building at Open House stating the DISTRICT'S expectation for all learners and parents/guardians especially in the areas of mathematics and english/language arts.
Time should be taken by administrators in each building on the first day of school sharing the expectations for all learners and parents/guardians with all students.
We should increase expectation of student memorization of facts so as to build fluency and automaticity as we do with basic sight word knowledge in reading.
Library Time - especially the extra Monday class should be used for students to be working on computer drills in mathematics at their own level so that their fluency, automaticity, and knowledge increases.
Classroom teachers' grade levels should not routinely be changed just for change's sake. It takes time for teachers to become familiar with the standards at that grade level, the pacing of the curriculum, and MCAS. In order to be able to deliver high quality math instruction, teachers need to have mastered the above which will ensure their ability to provide explicit instruction. Teachers should be able to have many ways of delivering instruction using clear models and extensive feedback.
Professional Development should be provided by a person who is fluent in Math Education. This provides teachers with instruction on HOW to teacher various learners a given standard using various strategies, manipulatives, technologies, and resources.
Benchmark assessments should be developed at each grade level based on the frameworks which show a steady progression from grade to grade.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Chapter 2
When working with money--- a nickel has one touch point, a dime has 2 and a quarter has 5. The children draw the touch points on their paper and count by 5's. Gradually the visual representation is taken away.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Chapter 2
Word conservation- Meaning protection of Earth's natural resources, plants and animals- gesture-cup hands as if holding earth
The children are introduced to the vocabulary words and their gestures on the first day and we use the gestures everytime we use the words from the story.
Chapter Two Response
Chapter 2 ?
Chapter 2 ?
Chapter 2
1.) I created a poster that tells the story of "The Land Of Gallon". The Land of Gallon has Four Queens, each Queen has a Prince and a Princess, each Prince and Princess has two Children each. Students love this story. i see them using it all the time.
2.) Students create "Gallon-Bot Man". Capacity is often a tricky concept for kids to remember. Gallon-Bot Man is a fun way for lids to remember how many cups are in a pint, how many pints are in a quart,etc... We use him as a study guide that is pieced together in sections to learn customary conversion of capacity. Big hit with fifth graders. Also, I tie in a writing assignment as well. They must create a character and story to go along with their figure. It helps to personalize the information and make it easier to remember important information.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
chapter 2
An activity that involves memorization is learning the meaning of vocabulary words. Students w/ weak verbal short term memory would benefit by drawing simple pictures of each vocabulary word. This can be done on index cards or large paper, where students also include definition and a sentence. Students think about the word while they are creating the drawing and also can take a mental snapshop of the picture to help them remember the meaning. Another version is to draw a more detailed scene which includes more than one vocabulary word, then the student w/ a stong visuo-spatial memory is able to recall the picture and in turn, determine the meaning of the word. - Cheryl C.
Letter formation
1. instructing students to "air write" when introducing the letter
2. repeated writing of letter on chalkboards using colored chalk. After a pre-determined amount of time, students will rotate around a table, to repeat the process using a different color. Monitoring is necessary to ensure proper starting point.
3. tracing the letter in sand or salt
4. with partners, students use their finger make the letter or number on their partner's back
5. using scented markers, students trace the letter in various different scents, creating a rainbow scented effect.
The repetition of these activities help students memorize the proper way to form letter and numbers.
1. Monday - put up 1 new sight word. Read it. Discuss its meaning. Use it in a sentence. Say the word again. Clap 1 time for each letter in the word as you orally spell the word. Air write the word as you orally spell the word. Write the word. Repeat for 4 other sight words. Leave words posted on the whiteboard in front of the classroom for the rest of the week befor moving them to the word wall for the remainder of the year.
2. Tuesday - Thursday - Repeated choral readings of all 5 words. Vary the order of the words.
3. Tuesday - Rainbow Writing - Students choose five crayons and write the sight word 5 times as they say each letter and repeat the whole word. For example, write cat in orange as you say c, write the letter c, say a as you write it, and say t as you write it. Repeat the above steps in 4 separate colors while tracing cat already written in orange.
4. Wednesday - Write each word 3 times each. Use each word in cloze procedure. Supply missing letters to boxes representing size and amount of letters in each word.
Hopefully linking the visuo-spatial short term memory(air writing, repeated crayon writing, clapping) to the verbal act of repeating letters and words will increase long term memorization.
Question # 2
Once children have memorized the alphabet they may not need to rely on picture cues and/or songs.
This may seem like a simplistic example of an activity that involves memorization, but it is an important one.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Chapter 2
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Back in the 60's we learned the multiplication tables in 4th grade. I vividly remember the flash cards and to this day see the image of the cards in my head. I believe the book calls this semantic or stored memory. I don't remember ever learning why 8X8=64, it just was. What was also good was by having the total image of the each multiplication fact memorized it help in remembering the relationship of the numbers which meant that that learning division wasn't really a learning new process, it was just recalling abd re-using longterm memory.
To the question, would memorizing the multiplication tables inside and out, backwards and forwards, so the information becomes longterm memory in a visuo-spatial way, thereby freeing up the child's working memory for the "deciphering the question" be too much for a third grader who struggles in math? We have worked with the cards but have never pushed too hard.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Chapter Two Question
Give a specific example of an activity that involves memorization, and describe how students with weak verbal short-term memory might be helped to memorize through the use of their stronger visuo-spatial short-term memory.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Chapter One
Another area that I often see students struggling with is learning to multiply larger numbers. (3 digit by 2 digit) The students always get confused because they have to multiply the ones digit and then they have to multiply the tens digit too. What I found myself doing on the whiteboard was using a sticky note to cover the tens digit while we were multiplying the ones digit and then switching the sticky note over to the ones digit while we were multiplying the tens digit. It worked so well on the board that I gave the students a sticky note every day we practiced and they were able to remember what number needed to be multiplied 1st. It just allowed them to focus on one number at a time. Students with low working memory are not able to manipulate the numbers in their head and remember the steps involved in multiplying larger numbers. This simple task really helped each student learn the procedure quickly.
Chapter One
Chapter 1
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Chapter 1 response
We are asking students to divide, multiply, subtract, compare and the regroup the digit and continue this until the problem is complete. Not to mention that it is a mathematical process that is done left to right, when for the most part we always teach math processes from right to left. Of course you all probably remember or have heard of the "Does Mcdonalds Sell Cheese Burgers?" device to help them remember each step; D-divide, Multiply, Subtract, Check/Compare, Bring up or down next number"
I think that the class poster will help some to see the visual model/instructions daily as well as insisting they put these letters beside each long division problem so that they have to use the letters and check mark next to each as they complete that task. I am interested to see what others think would be helful to those who seem to have working memory difficulty.
Chapter one
When teaching this concept, we always begin at the concrete level with just using the place value blocks and slowly move into the written task. Still many children, low working memory or not, struggle with remembering what to do first.
To help the children remember the steps I attempted to create a song that would help them remember what to do when they needed to regroup to get more ones. I used the song "Ballin the Jack" as a melody. This is what we sang...
First we cross the tens out and we write one less
Then add ten to the ones place and your ready to subtract
When the kids sang these two lines it seemed to help them remember the first two steps and then they could continue with the algorithm. I have found that whenever I add a rhythm or song to a memory task, we seem to remember it better.
Chapter One
The text asked students to distinguish between similar and congruent vs. non similar and non congruent shapes. The lesson assumes that there some prior knowledge. Tapping into prior knowledge is essential for understanding of the lesson.
At first students were having difficulty with the language. Once I began referring back to familiar words like same and equal, students were able to make the connection to prior knowledge of this language, and then they attached the meaning of these words to this new language. Once the connection of familiar language was made same/similar and equal/ congruent students became very comfortable using it throughout the lesson.
After reading chapter one, I would introduce new vocabulary and definitions by using a multiple intelligence approach for each new word. I would use his strategy is hopes that the information gathered in the working memory transfers to the long term memory.
Multiple Intelligence Strategy
1. See the word/definition
2. Hear the word/definition
3. Say/Sing the word/definition
4. Write/Draw the word/definition
5. Become/Act out the word /definition
Chapter One Response
-Take one dozen
-Divide that by 2
-add 7
We will repeat each step at least twice and take long pauses between steps to accomodate various levels of processing speeds.
It occurs to me that although we try to accomodate various learners, it may be too much for some learners. After reading this chapter, it appears that although the directions are very short, it may be too difficult to hold on to the number and listen to the next direction. One way to modify this may be to write each step on the board so the student can have a visual to correspond with the auditory directions.
Chapter 1 Response
In chapter one, the authors discuss how long-term memory can support working memory, which may be one way to improve students' ability to follow certain sets of multi-step directions without making errors. Take for example, the set of directions teachers might give prior to sending students off to math class at the higher grade levels: "Write your ELA homework in your agenda, put away your ELA binder, take out your math binder and math book, get a pencil and pen for correcting, get out some graph paper, and go to math." Many teachers might break these down and support students at certain steps (checking their agendas to make sure ELA homework was written down, for example), while other teachers might assume that students would know by now what they needed for math and eliminate the instructions all together. For most students, this is probably true...they have already gotten the routine down. However, for those who struggle on a daily basis to transition from one class to another and without fail forget one or more of the instructions, they might benefit from the use of additional strategies. One strategy that might help would be to use their long-term memory by teaching them (and the whole class) a mnemonic device, rhyme, or other trick that with some whole-class rehearsal and visual cues (checklists on the door as they leave or on the board) could be committed to long-term memory. That way, each day when it is time to go to math, the teacher can cue their long-term memories with that rhyme or other device, and they won't have to rely solely on their ability to keep those steps in working memory.
For example, in decoding the word "cat", the student would have to decode and keep the three phonemes of /c/ /a/ /t/ in his/her working memory and then blend them.
The task might be changed by repeatedly instructing students to blend words in the following way:
1. say /k/
2. point to "a" and say /a/.
3. go back to the beginning of the word and say /ka/ as you slide under the "ca"
4.point to the "t" and say /t/
5. then say /ka/ /t/
6. then /kat/
7. finally read cat
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
D D D N N P P P (with the D = dime, N= nickel, etc.).
Most of this is done orally, with me demonstrating on the overhead how to count on. We also do daily oral counting by 5's and 10's by chanting.
For my students with poor working memory, I am now going to have a small "cheat sheet" for them to refer to at their desks. This will show front and backs of all the coins as well as the letter it represents (D, N, P, or Q) AND the value of each coin. I will also have them write down under each picture of the coin(s) how much it is worth, so they can go back after and count up. This way they won't need to remember how much the dimes were worth, how much the nickels are worth, and then how much the pennies are worth. For examle, for the previous example, I would have them write 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1. Then the student could go back and count to see how much money they have.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Chapter 1: Question & Discussion
In order for these students to be successful in doing this task I help them by writing the directions on the board using simple wording. (1. cut 2. sort by (ch/wh) 3. glue) along with the direction I also use picture cues. Another way I help them is by making a directions check list for their desk. They can check off a box as each direction is done. Finally, I always check in with them during the task to make sure they are on task and understanding what they are doing.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
ch 1 disc question response
Specifically, the instructions I gave were:
1. read the 4 words in the row. 2. highlight the word endings (-ed, -s -ing) 3. identify the spelling pattern 4. cross out the word that doesnot fit the pattern.
This task involved working memory because the students had to remember what the endings of the 4 words were and that they were looking for the word that did not fit the pattern then cross out the one that didn't fit.
I simplified the task by having them highlight the endings. We completed the entire worksheet as a group. In order to make this an independent task, I could have added another step. After highlighting the endings, the students could write down the ending (-es, -ing, -ed) that appeared more than once ("the pattern")in the row. Then, go back and find the word in the row with the different ending.
By writing down what the ending pattern is, students don't have to hold it in working memory. It is now written on the paper so they can compare the words to it.
Another simplification would be to model, on the board, what the task is (ie; what the row should look like) with endings highlighted, the pattern written down, and 1 word "x'ed" out. This way, if students forget, they can look to the model on the board.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Chapter One
Briefly describe an academic task that involves working memory (manipulating information in short term memory) that you might assign to your students. Identify the parts of the task that might challenge students with low working memory. How might the task be changed so that such students are supported and can be successful with this task?
Please post your response separately from this post. Then read the other participants' responses and choose at least two to comment on. Click on "Comments" under their post.